Antiquum Ministerium-Catechists: Share your Vocation Story

Pope Francis formally instituted the Ministry of Catechist in March of this year in his Motu Proprio titled Antiquum Ministerium (Ancient Ministry). As such, we want to spotlight the Ministry of Catechists that is exercised so beautifully in our local church. We seek your inspiring stories so we may share the good news of how the work of the Holy Spirit is moving in you and those you serve. Prayerfully consider sharing your testimony and a picture of you that will be showcased on social media and other media outlets.
The form is linked below. There is no deadline to submit, we will be featuring profiles all year round! The more testimonials we receive, the better! Please email a high resolution picture to: Please ensure that your testimonial has been submitted. In your email, please include your name and parish.
[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Parish’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Ministry’ type=’select’ options=’Pre-K,First Grade,Second Grade,Third Grade,Fourth Grade,Fifth Grade,Sixth Grade,Seventh Grade,Eighth Grade,Sacramental Prep,Special Needs,Infant Baptism,RCIA for Adults,RCIA for Children,Adult Faith Formation’/][contact-field label=’Years Serving as a Catechist’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Please Respond to the Following Question: How do you live your vocation in light of Antiquum Ministerium?’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]