Celebrating the Month of Mary at Home

Diocese of San Diego-Consecration to Mary—May 1st
Consecration to Mary—May 1st (USCCB) (<-Disponible en ESPAÑOL)
Catechism of the Catholic Church-Mary, Mother of God (Vatican) (ESPAÑOL)
Faith at Home-Watch Marian Scripture Studies or Movies (Formed) (<-Disponible en ESPAÑOL)
Teachings on Mary, Mother of God (EWTN) (Conociendo a Nuestra Madre-EWTN)
Three Marian Prayers of Protection and Hope (The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception)
Meet the Most Famous Woman in History (Dynamic Catholic)
All About Mary (University of Dayton) (ESPAÑOL)
Pray the Rosary (Relevant Radio)
33 Days to Morning Glory-Consecration to Mary Podcast (Breadbox Media)
Free Printable Mary, Mother of God Activities & Prayers – Month of Mary (Sadlier)
- Flowers for the Blessed Mother (Sadlier) (ESPAÑOL)
Marian Resources (Loyola Press)
Marian Consecration Family Adventure (Holy Heroes)
May Crowning Activities (The Religion Teacher)
May Crowning for Kids (Catholic Icing)
Nine Activities to Celebrate the Month of Mary (Daily Rosary Family)
10 ways to Celebrate Mary (Catholic Exchange)
May Day Thank you (Vibrant Faith at Home)
St. Joseph the Worker (pdf created by resources from The Josephites) – May 1
Mothers’ Prayers – Prayers by and for Mothers (Creighton University)