
“Discerning Gifts: Do I have what it takes?”

6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
"Discerning Gifts: Do I have what it takes?"
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Diocese of San Diego Pastoral Center 3888 Paducah Dr
San Diego, CA 92117

This workshop is intended for all parish ministers and those considering service within the church.


We all have gifts of time, talent and treasure to share charitably and generously with others. Come and learn more about how you can make a difference in sharing your gift of presence with your parish community. Koren and Jessica Ruiz from Stewards of God will prayerfully lead us through a reflection of discerning our gifts. Do I have what it takes? The answer is Yes! Your parish community needs you as we continue the mission of evangelization in our parishes. For registration please complete form below. Online payment will be available soon.

Pastoral Center

3888 Paducah Drive

San Diego, CA 92117

Cost $10.00