San Diego, 92117
Everything you need to know about OCIA: Beginners to Experts!
What is this mysterious OCIA?
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
9:00 AM-12 PM
Diocesan Pastoral Center
What is this mysterious OCIA? The newly translated Order of Christian Initiation of Adults brings some new terms and renews the vision of this process of bringing people into the church. This is a wonderful opportunity to review and reevaluate our own processes and embrace the true vision of this process! Join us for a quick look at the theological and practical implications of a new translation, and get a sneak peek at some of the changes we can expect!
Presenter: Rosie M. Hernandez serves as the Director for the Office of Formation and Evangelization in the Diocese of Fresno. With over twenty-five years of experience in liturgy, catechesis, and Christian Initiation, she has served in various capacities as a workshop presenter and retreat director in Fresno as well as the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. She had the blessing to be a part of the National Forum of the Catechumenate, and presently is associated with LTP. As Director, she often provides workshops and retreats on various topics such as RCIA, Evangelization, and Self-Care. Ms. Hernandez holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Ancient Greek and a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry both from Loyola Marymount University.
Please register before August 26th