
San Diego Spring Forward

9:00 am - 3:00 pm
San Diego Spring Forward
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St. Michael Catholic Church – Holy Family Center 15410 Pomerado Road
Poway, CA 92064

Spring Forward 2024

Out of the Ordinary: Transformed in Christ

Presenter: Jane Mondoy

Saturday, January 20

9:00-3:00 PM

St. Michael’s Holy Family Center

15410 Pomerado Rd., Poway, CA  92064

Cost: $25.00

“Let us bear this in mind: God is hidden in our life, he is always there – he is concealed in the commonest and most ordinary situations in our life. He does not come in extraordinary events, but in everyday things; he manifests himself in everyday things. He is there, in our daily work, in a chance encounter, in the face of someone in need, even when we face days that seem grey and monotonous, it is right there that we find the Lord, who calls to us, speaks to us and inspires our actions.”        -Pope Francis (Angelus on November 27, 2022)

Reflecting upon the three biblical scenarios of Saints Martha and Mary and stories of our own lives, we will engage in Jesus’ method of using every-day, common, ordinary moments as the perfect context for kerygmatic catechesis: communicating God’s saving love in Jesus Christ so that we may have the fullness of life.


Participants Supply list: Please bring a bible, Directory for Catechesis (2020), pen, and paper for note-taking.