Combatting Racism…Educational and Catechetical Resources

As Christians, we must lift up our voices for justice and strive for peace. Let us teach our children early to love and to see Christ in the other. This message must be shared incessantly; in fact, we often say, “Actions speak louder than Words”, then let us model and preach what we teach. We are the solution and for all of us entrusted with sharing our faith, let us unite in prayer for the sake of love, denouncing the sins of hatred, indifference and intolerance, that feed the injustices that so many of our sisters and brothers in Christ experience in acts of racism.
Join us on Saturday, June 6th at 4 pm for a Special live-streamed Mass with Bishop McElroy and African-American leadership of San Diego. This will be a time to pray and support one another as we turn as one to our God. The Live streamed Mass can be viewed HERE.
To view Bishop McElroy’s statement titled, “Finding Grace within our Republic of Suffering” Click HERE. En Español
- Fighting Hate From Home Webinar Series provided by the Anti-Defamation League
- Educator Resources: Empowering Young People in the Aftermath of Hate(English and Spanish)
- How White Parents Can Use Media to Raise Anti-Racist Kids by Common Sense Media
- Combatting Racism-Educational Resources for Children and Adults (Disponible en Español)
- Books About Racism and Social Justice
- The Power of Words (Elementary)
- Responding to Online Hate Speech (Middle)
- Countering Hate Speech Online (High School)
- Classroom Materials on Racism from Facing History and Ourselves
- Open Wide Our Hearts: A Pastoral Letter Against Racism (Español)
- Educational Resources from USCCB on Combatting Racism
- Responding to the Sin of Racism
- NCEA Panel Discussion on Racism
- NCEA Talk Blog: Understanding Racism
- NCEA Webinar: The Responsibility of Catholic Schools to Talk About Racism